
What Is The Best Truck To Tow Your Trailer?

What Is The Best Truck To Tow Your Trailer?

Have you ever been stumped by the sheer number of trailers out there when trying to decide which one to purchase? If you have, you’re not alone. There are so many to choose from, all with their good points. With so many, it is easy to fall into paralysis by analysis. You study, and study and study, but never take action, because there is simply too much to look at and you want to be sure you can tow your trailer without any problems. What is the best truck to tow my trailer, is the question that is always nagging at you.

The search can be incredibly frustrating because you aren’t just looking for a box on wheels, it’s so much more than that. You are looking for something that you will create memories in. Something that will give you freedom. It’s not just a camper, it’s the experience that proceeds it. For that reason, you want a camper that will be perfect for you to have those experiences in. It’s important. But here’s the thing. Your tow vehicle determines in a large part what you can actually have. After all, it would be pretty pointless to buy a trailer that you can’t tow, right? So, that leads us to the question “What is the best truck to tow my trailer?”

tow your trailer

Check out:

Tow vehicles and the trailers they can pull.

Let’s dive into this great question together by looking at a few different trucks and what they could ideally tow. If you had a jeep wrangler then you couldn’t tow an X-22 Xplore for example. With a jeep wrangler being able to tow up to 3500lbs and an X-22 Xplore weighing a bit over 5000lbs it just wouldn’t be feasible. You would want to find a lighter trailer, like a patriot camper or a Taxa Mantis. Both a patriot camper and a Mantis weigh less than 3000lbs which is well within the jeeps towing capabilities.

On the other hand, let’s say you have something with a little more power such as a Ford F-150, a Chevrolet Silverado 1500, or a Ram 1500. If you own one of these full size trucks that are all capable of towing over 10,000lbs, then the possibilities are limitless. Xplore XR-22, easy. OBI Dweller 15, not a problem. Do you really need to ask? You can pull just about anything with one of these heavy duty tow vehicles.

tow your trailer

Check out:

The right vehicle for the right occasion.

In reality I can’t claim one towing vehicle is better than another, because that would simply be a statement of preference. What it all comes down to, the best truck in the world to pull your camper, is the one with the towing capacity to do so. Preferably the one you already own, unless you are planning to go out and buy another vehicle along with your new trailer. So, the only real question to answer is, “What is my vehicle’s towing capacity?” Once you know that, then you will be able to find the perfect camper to tow, making your very own truck the best truck to tow your trailer with.

One last thing to keep in mind is that towing at your max capacity is not such a good idea. Doing that starts to get dangerous. Realistically you should be towing at 80% of your max capacity, or less if possible.

So, what are you waiting for? Hook up that perfect truck of yours to that fantastic trailer and get out there! This beautiful world awaits!


If you want to look at these trailers in more detail check out